
  1. If You Were A Plant, What Would You Listen To?

    There’s lots of anecdotal evidence like the story about the Colorado greenhouse owner floating around the internet, and our gut feeling is that pla...
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  2. Do You Play Music For Your Plants?

    Do you believe music stimulates plant growth? We did a little digging, and the science is pretty hazy on this one. We know that plants are incredib...
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  3. Plant Senses

    As humans, we know we have at least five senses: touch, sight, sound, smell, and taste. We’ve got a hunch we’ve got more, or that these senses aren...
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  4. Cultivating Plants In Space

    By testing out different plants in different environments, scientists begin to understand how to genetically engineer plants so they can thrive in ...
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  5. Cannabis in Space

    While some scientists are trying to slow down or reverse the effects of climate change, other scientists are scheming their earth exit strategy. By...
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  6. What Would It Be Like To Get High In Space?

    Astronauts have been getting high for a very long time. Almost 385,000 kilometres high, to be exact, for those lucky enough to have reached the moo...
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  7. Freshies: A Trip Down Memory Lane

    Take a trip down memory lane. Hit the lemonade stand and stash your frieshes in your sock while you hit the block. Fresh squeezed terps, juiced and...
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  8. Freshies: Quality and Consistency

    Here at Great Spirits, we’re on a mission to solve the problems of the cannabis industry one pet peeve at a time. And we can’t stand the stale pre-...
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  9. Freshies: A Sensory Delight

    It’s going to be a juicy summer and you know we got that fresh squeezed! Two perfect sized ½ gram J’s individually tubed and in a Mylar bag to real...
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