Be Ritual - Not Habitual
Cannabis has been used in spiritual contexts for centuries. Archaeological evidence points to ritual cannabis use in China 2500 years ago. In India, spiritual cannabis use is prehistoric. This tradition has spread across oceans, and as we know, Jamaican Rastafrians smoke ganja as sacrament today. As cannabis use was picked up by counter-culture movements through the 60s and 70s, it brought us up to the current point of cannabis being relatively mainstream and normalized. So, what then of its spiritual essence?
Despite it being available for recreational consumption, we encourage you to ground into yourself and the present moment before you consume it, so that it can be ritual – not habitual.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #greatspirit #community
Despite it being available for recreational consumption, we encourage you to ground into yourself and the present moment before you consume it, so that it can be ritual – not habitual.
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #greatspirit #community