Ram Dass: Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra defines awakening as something that allows you to integrate your individual self with everything else. It’s less about letting the world in through the ego, or the filters of future and past, and more about living in the present.
Chopra’s name might come up when one imagines an enlightened being. Eckhart Tolle, another. Buddha, Jesus, Ram Dass, Chuang Tzu, and Rumi, depending on who you ask.
What do all of these people have in common? A commitment to helping others find peace. A daily practice. A willingness to push past old beliefs.
Who else can you think of?
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #connect #community #enlightened #enlightenment #guidance #awakened #ramdass #deepakchopra
Chopra’s name might come up when one imagines an enlightened being. Eckhart Tolle, another. Buddha, Jesus, Ram Dass, Chuang Tzu, and Rumi, depending on who you ask.
What do all of these people have in common? A commitment to helping others find peace. A daily practice. A willingness to push past old beliefs.
Who else can you think of?
#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #connect #community #enlightened #enlightenment #guidance #awakened #ramdass #deepakchopra