If You Were A Plant, What Would You Listen To?

If You Were A Plant, What Would You Listen To?

There’s lots of anecdotal evidence like the story about the Colorado greenhouse owner floating around the internet, and our gut feeling is that plants can definitely sense more than we give them credit for. That being said, it’s likely that rather than having certain musical tastes, they’re more affected by the vibrations caused by the sound waves. Some vibrations stimulate movement – and this movement leads to cell growth in the plant cells – and perhaps other types of vibrations disrupt this process.

Regardless of where the science stands, musicians across the world have written songs for the listening pleasure of our fellow green beings. Most notable is Mort Garson’s album, Plantasia, created entirely to be listened to by plants. The tracklist is peppered with songs like “Symphony for a Spider Plant” and "Concerto for Philodendron & Pothos." Created on an early synthesizer, it is psychedelic, strange, and beautiful.

If you were a plant, what would you listen to?

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