Have You Ever Felt More Alive After A Walk In The Woods?
Have you ever felt more alive after a walk in the woods? Or found a certain clarity while sitting by the ocean? Science has a name for this: biophilia – the idea that humans have an innate connection to nature. Rewilding taps into this, encouraging us to not just visit the natural world but to actively engage with it. It can be as simple as gardening barefoot to feel the soil under your feet or as transformative as reintroducing wildflowers to your yard to support pollinators.
In Scotland, a community initiative has been working to reintroduce wolves to their natural habitats, showing how one species can restore balance to an entire ecosystem. Meanwhile, on a personal level, rewilding might look like planting a seed and watching it grow – or even just letting your lawn go a little wild.
What’s one way you’d like to invite the wild back into your life?
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