Baby's Breath
We want to touch down for a minute. We want to touch down and share some things that we’re creating, or growing, that is. Great Spirits can come from all sides. Sometimes Great Spirits are people who lived hundreds of years ago whose words still reach us. Sometimes they are earth spirits rising up today to meet us. And we’ve been cultivating a few earth spirits ourselves. We want to introduce you to a couple of them. One of these spirits is called Baby’s Breath. Baby’s Breath is funky and smooth. Its smell is a rich, complex tang. Baby’s Breath dances a balanced dance. It’s there to connect all the different parts of you and invite you into that inspired harmony called the present moment.
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#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #intention #connect #community #babysbreath