A Call To Awaken Our Senses

A Call To Awaken Our Senses

Abram’s work is a call to awaken our senses – to see, hear, and feel the world as alive, not just as a backdrop to human life. It’s a reminder that the way we speak about nature shapes the way we treat it. If we view the earth as mute, we act as its rulers. But if we recognize it as a living, breathing presence, we begin to remember our place within it.

So, how do we shift our perspective? Maybe it starts with small acts of attention – watching the way a tree sways in the wind, listening to the rhythm of birdsong, or even choosing words that honor our connection to the land. 

What if the natural world isn’t something we observe, but something we’re in constant conversation with? And what happens when we start to listen?

#nothingforsale #poweredbygreatspirits #greatspirits #inhaleexhale #knowledge #inspire #DavidAbram